Kernott v Jones [2010] EWCA Civ 578 This was the Court of Appeal hearing, on a second appeal, of a case on equitable interests in a property. We reported the first appeal to the High Court and were uneasy about the outcome of that appeal, which seemed to...
How binding is a s.125 notice?
Nessa v London Borough of Tower Hamlets [2010] EWCA Civ 559 This is an interesting appeal on the issue of the amendment or replacement of a S.125 Housing Act 1985 notice offering the right to buy at a specified price. The actual case itself is not...
Ibrahim/Teixeira guidance
The DWP has issued guidance to decision-makers on benefit entitlement in the wake of Ibrahim and Teixeira (our report here) in the European Court, for when there is a likely Article 12 Regulation (EEC) No 1612/68 derived right for a child or children to...
A locked room mystery
LB Lambeth v Emeter [2010] EWCA Civ 527 [not on Baili, note from a transcript] This was a renewed permission to appeal hearing which foundered on Mr Emeter's complete lack of Agatha Christie-esque skills in plotting, detail and making evidence ambiguous. Mr...
These we have missed/didn’t know about
As ever, the Housing updates in Legal Action for May 2010 contains news of a few homelessness cases that are otherwise unreported and which hadn't reached us - primarily County Court decisions or applications for permission for JR or appeal that didn't make...
I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords*
So, that is Ken Clark as MoJ and Lord Chancellor, Eric Pickles at DCLG and now, apparently, Grant Shapps as Housing minister. Here is what Mr Shapps was putting forward a year ago as shadow housing minister, much of which made it into the manifesto. But, in...
Of fair rents, disrepair and unreasonable temptations
Ahmed & Ors v Murphy [2010] EWHC 453 (Admin) This was an appeal to the High Court of a decision by the London Rent Assessment Committee (LRAC) that the maximum fair rent payable by Mr Murphy for the flat in Brick Lane, Spitalfields was £8.50 per week. The...
The people of the UK have spoken! And with one mighty voice, said "Um, errr..." (as of 8 am Friday) So, in the meantime, here is something that I wasn't going to mention, at all. But then I was told by some of the others that, should the highly unlikely...
M not G
TG, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Lambeth [2010] EWHC 907 (Admin) Or when is a child in need not a child in need? This was the judicial review of Lambeth's decision not to support TG as a 'former relevant child', he being over 18. The...
Disrepair Quantum – Ombudsman
Local Government Ombudsman Report Report ref 09 005 422 Harlow District Council Ms S was Harlow's secure tenant. Due to a leak, the ceiling in her daughter's bedroom became damaged, in danger of falling and unsafe. Despite Ms S's complaints, Harlow did not...
Not their decision to make
Birmingham City Council v Clue [2010] EWCA Civ 460 Ms Clue was a Jamaican national. She and her oldest daughter were given leave to come to the UK in 2000 as visitors. After 6 months, she applied for leave as a student, which was refused after appeal in...
Oh Brave New World
Eastland Homes Partnership Limited v Sandra Whyte 2010 EWHC 695 (QB) Following Weaver v L&Q and McIntyre v Gentoo, here is a clear indication of the brave new world of public law in which RSLs (sorry, PRHPs) find themselves. It is also an interesting and...