Khazai & Ors, R (on the application of) v Birmingham City Council [2010] EWHC 2576 (Admin) We've been waiting for this one. Mutterings about the 'Birmingham email case' have been around for a bit. This is a judicial review which is something of a sequel to...
Teixeira and A8 nationals
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v JS (IS) [2010] UKUT 347 (AAC) [not on Bailii yet] Just a quick note on this Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) case, which found that the Art 12 Ibrahim/Teixeira rights applied to an A8 national who had...
Pinnock forthcoming…
It appears that the Supreme Court judgment in Manchester CC v Pinnock is due to be handed down on 3 November. Anticipation runs wild, particularly to see what the response, if any, is to Kay v UK.
Homelessness – ‘due regard’ to disability
Pieretti v London Borough of Enfield [2010] EWCA Civ 1104 This is an odd case, in lots of ways, but what is decided in this appeal to the Court of Appeal is potentially of broader significance and certainly useful as clarification. The issue was whether, and...
Asked, but not necessarily answered
After the excitements of Kay v UK, the LSC Judicial Review and the coming into force of (bits) of the Equalities Act - on which we will have a post shortly - there is a bit of a lull before the floods of new housing case law start up again. So, time for...
Law Soc JR: Some details
I have some details of the Law Society v Legal Services Commission judicial review judgment. Can't reveal my source but they were close to the action. [edited 01/10/2010 - some corrections] The JR was won on the issue of the significance given to panel...
Law Society v LSC newsflash
Result out this afternoon. The Law Society won their JR of the Family tender process. No details yet - more as and when. But things are going to be very interesting. Who bets on current contracts extended till April 2011 while Ken readies his axe?
Set-aside or Appeal?
Islington LBC v Cecil and Grace Markland, Clerkenwell and Shoreditch County Court, 17/07/2010 The issue of whether a first hearing in a possession claim could be properly considered to be a trial came up in Forcelux Ltd v Binnie [2009] EWCA Civ 854 - our...
Can’t hear you…
There is a fascinating article in the 23/09/2010 Gazette by DJ Robert Hill on rights of audience in County Court hearings in chambers and the effect of the Legal Services Act 2007 While not strictly housing related, it is of relevance or potential use given...
The bottled water of principle
There is an interesting interview with Baroness Hale of the Supreme Court on the UKSC blog, (also reposted on the Guardian Law site, which has been really rather good since launch). It is well worth a read, not only for Lady Hale fighting for the separation...
When more means less
Green v Sinclair Investments Limited Clerkenwell and Shoreditch County Court. 11 June 2010 This is a County Court and non-binding tenancy deposit case reported in September 2010 Legal Action 'Recent Developments'. But it is interesting and harks back to a...
25 years of ‘Recent Developments in Housing Law’
I really couldn't let this one pass by without adding my congratulations. Jan Luba QC and HHJ Nic Madge have been producing the 'Recent Developments in Housing Law' in Legal Action for 25 years as of this month, quarterly from 1985 to 1988, then in the...