Keeping the seasonal theme, we are having a bit of a problem with unwanted gifts, specifically automated spam comments. For the last few days - and ongoing - there has been a particularly heavy flood of them. We usually get about 200 a day, but that has gone...
No recovery of accidental overpayments
The Child Poverty Action Group v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2010] UKSC 54 Just a quick note to confirm that the Supreme Court has unanimously upheld the Court of Appeal decision (reported here) that the Secretary of State cannot use common law...
New evidence of disrepair – Ladd v Marshall revisited
Herelle v South London Family Housing Association Ltd, CC/2009/PTA/0737 (High Court Chancery Division) 20 July 2010 [Not reported elsewhere] Perhaps apropos of J's recent comments on RSLs 'fighting daft disrepair cases', we have an update on what was a...
Relying on advice on the LHA
Ombudsman's Decision: Complaint against Newham LB [2010] Complaint no 09 003 325 9 November 2010 Hat-tip to the Garden Court bulletin for this one. Miss Thornton (pseudonym) was in temporary accommodation provided by Newham LBC pursuant to the full housing...
Private Sector Accommodation and Part 7
Hanton-Rhouila v Westminster City Council [2010] EWCA Civ 1334 This was a second appeal from a s.204 Housing Act 1996 appeal which had been dismissed by a Circuit Judge. Mrs Rhoulia had applied as homeless to Westminster and the appeal was of Westminster's...
X & Y v UK?
Thanks to Chief and with particular thanks to the UK Human Rights blog, we now know that the claimants in X&Y v Hounslow have gone to the European Court of Human Rights. As you will recall, this was the desperately sad case which, at first instance,...
Sale and Rent Back – Priority over charge, Round 1
North East Property Buyers Litigation [2010] EWHC 2991 (Ch) [Not on Bailii yet. Available on Lawtel or here] We noted this case was forthcoming a month ago. Judgement was given on 19 November. Thanks to James Stark, we've got a transcript. Thanks to being...
Legal Aid reforms – Housing
The Ministry of Justice 'consultation paper' on reforms to legal aid to achieve a £350 million cut by 2013/4 is out. It is a hefty 224 odd pages. Responses are required by 14 February 2011 I've done what I can to fillet out its significance for housing and...
The 2010 HLPA conference
As per previous years, this is the conference for those involved in housing law. Most, probably all, of the NL team will be there. Everyone else should be too. 15 December 2010, at Royal College of Surgeons. Lincolns Inn Fields, London. 6 hours CPD for both...
Mr Pickles is unlawful and other bits
Cala Homes (South) Ltd v Secretary of State for Communities & Local Government & Anor [2010] EWHC 2866 (Admin) found Eric Pickles, SoS at DCLG, acted unlawfully in scrapping the Regional Strategies for housing development, which also, lest we forget,...
Beedles v Guiness Northern Counties Limited (2010) High Court (Manchester) (QB) HQ10X02893 [Not on Bailii yet]. This is an intriguing case sent to us on the nature and extent of the duty to provide an auxiliary aid or service under S.24C Disability...
Not telling you..
R (WG) v Local Authority A [2010] EWHC 2608 (Admin) [Not on Bailii yet] This is a downright odd case, an application for judicial review where the Claimant's solicitors came off the record at hearing, Claimant's counsel (the in-the-circumstances heroic Zia...