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Assured Shorthold tenancy
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Giles Peaker

A room of one’s own

Virginia Woolf famously remarked that for a woman to write fiction, she required enough means to support herself and a room of her own. For homeless applicants, though, sometimes separated spaces can be the problem.   Aliya Sharif v Camden LBC [2011]...

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Content partners

I've been a fan of the Guardian Law site since it started out.  It is energetic, thoughtful and interesting. But, as any unbiased and entirely objective observer would be bound to conclude, the site had an obvious and gaping hole in its coverage. Where was...

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Face time

Makisi & Ors v Birmingham City Council [2011] EWCA Civ 355 Does the right to make oral submissions to a review officer on a s.202 Housing Act 1996 review, following a 'minded to' letter, mean that the applicant has the right to insist on a meeting? This...

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Oh Cluck!

Nearly Legal was brought up with chickens (not by chickens - a vital distinction. No poultry played a parental role at all. Oh no). After decades, and not a little intensive therapy, the metaphorical, if not the literal, scars seemed to have faded. Immersed...

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