As visitors to the site may have noticed, I've made a few changes (and apologies to anyone who visited on Sunday and got 4 or 5 different and rapidly changing versions of the site). The problem was that having 10 full posts on the front (and subsequent)...
Dealing, closure and possession
Hammersmith and Fulham LBC v Forbes Willesden County Court 14 April 2011 While we are on County Court proceedings based on drugs and nuisance (see the previous post), this is a possession case following closure orders and allegations of dealing. Hat tip to...
Mudslinging, evidence and possession of different kinds
Barking & Dagenham LBC v Bakare, Imevbore & Imevbore. Romford County Court 14/03/2011 HHJ Platt [unreported elsewhere] A county court case, but one with some interesting issues. Also a cautionary tale on being able to actually provide evidence of...
Ask not for whom the bill tolls
So there we are - the Legal Aid bill, helpfully called the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill, lurched into the light today, accompanied at the same time by the Consultation response [at the bottom of the page]. Some of us saw the bill...
Pretty Vacant
NYK Logistics (UK) Ltd v Ibrend Estates BV [2011] EWCA Civ 683 This is a commercial leasehold case, but it is the first significant case on the meaning of 'vacant possession' since about 1946 and is of general application, so here it is. NYK was the lessee...
Not too late but too little
Southwark LBC v Barrett Bromley County Court 18/03/2011 A County Court Pinnock case. Unsuccessful but interesting in that it was a transitional case, commenced before the Pinnock judgment, and to the extent that it shows the court using the 'seriously...
Hand me downs
Crown Estate Commissioners v Peabody Trust & Poplak [2011] EWHC 1467 (Ch) [link to PDF] As we noted a while ago, the transfer of the Crown Estates Commissioners social housing estates to the Peabody Trust had brought about a test case on the status of...
Middle-aged spread
Well, there we are, Nearly Legal is 5 years old. In internet terms that is positively middle-aged. We will be keeping a close eye open for any signs of mid-life crisis - whatever the website equivalent of wearing too tight jeans and buying a motorcycle is,...
Bailii needs your cash, regularly
We use Bailii a lot here on Nearly Legal. If there is a freely available copy of a judgment, we will link to it as a matter of course and Bailii is the only source of those free copies, at least for the High Court and Court of Appeal. The service Bailii...
Hot tub lovin’, the Daily Mail and Article 8
[Caution - the following story comes from the Daily Mail. It should be read with this source in mind and the inevitable provisio that this site makes no assertions as to the accuracy, truthfulness or reliability of the story, because the Daily Mail cannot be...
Safe European Home*
We noted J. L. v the United Kingdom here. Now there are two further English possession cases at the 'questions to the parties' stage of the European Court of Human Rights. Birch and Others v UK Application no. 26393/10 Birch arises out of possession...
Trespasser on the roof
Eaton Mansions (Westminster) Ltd v Stinger Compania De Inversion SA [2011] EWCA Civ 607 We're a bit late with this one, sorry. There was a bit of a debate about whether it was an NL case or not, but I found it interesting and it concerns residential leases,...