X, Y & Z v the United Kingdom - 32666/10 [2011] ECHR 1199 The long and sorry story of X & Y v Hounslow appears to have reached an end. As you will recall, this was the case that resulted from the horrendous abuse of two highly vulnerable Hounslow...
You don’t want to do it like that.
The Local Government Ombudsman receives over 300 complaints a year about Local Authorities' handling of homeless applications. The LGO is clearly concerned by what it sees in the matters referred to it as it has now produced a 'focus report' , called "How...
Forgive us our trespasses…
The Prime Minister's confirmation that the government will be bringing forward legislation for the criminalisation of trespass and the proposed removal of legal aid from trespassers in the Legal AId, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill amount to the...
Injunction, planning and committal, post Cala
Broxbourne Borough Council v Robb & Ors [2011] EWHC 1626 (QB) I'll give a somewhat lengthy report of this case, because it is one of the first to touch on the changing planning environment for Gypsies and travellers after the DCLG's stated intention to...
Unintended clarity from the DCLG
A leaked letter has emerged, sent from the DCLG to the office of the Prime Minister. The full text of the letter is here. Written by Eric Pickles' private secretary, apparently at Pickles behest, the letter sets out the DCLG's concerns at the effects...
Croatia, proportionality and history
Orlic v Croatia [2011] ECHR 974 (Application no. 48833/07) [Link to rtf file] This is a European Court of Human Rights First Section decision on an article 8 case. Although not of immediate application, it is a useful restatement of the principle that where...
A few small tweaks
As visitors to the site may have noticed, I've made a few changes (and apologies to anyone who visited on Sunday and got 4 or 5 different and rapidly changing versions of the site). The problem was that having 10 full posts on the front (and subsequent)...
Dealing, closure and possession
Hammersmith and Fulham LBC v Forbes Willesden County Court 14 April 2011 While we are on County Court proceedings based on drugs and nuisance (see the previous post), this is a possession case following closure orders and allegations of dealing. Hat tip to...
Mudslinging, evidence and possession of different kinds
Barking & Dagenham LBC v Bakare, Imevbore & Imevbore. Romford County Court 14/03/2011 HHJ Platt [unreported elsewhere] A county court case, but one with some interesting issues. Also a cautionary tale on being able to actually provide evidence of...
Ask not for whom the bill tolls
So there we are - the Legal Aid bill, helpfully called the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill, lurched into the light today, accompanied at the same time by the Consultation response [at the bottom of the page]. Some of us saw the bill...
Pretty Vacant
NYK Logistics (UK) Ltd v Ibrend Estates BV [2011] EWCA Civ 683 This is a commercial leasehold case, but it is the first significant case on the meaning of 'vacant possession' since about 1946 and is of general application, so here it is. NYK was the lessee...
Not too late but too little
Southwark LBC v Barrett Bromley County Court 18/03/2011 A County Court Pinnock case. Unsuccessful but interesting in that it was a transitional case, commenced before the Pinnock judgment, and to the extent that it shows the court using the 'seriously...