Courtesy of the Local Government Ombudsman and Shelter, we have joint and several occupants of the naughty step. Welcome to the Step to Kent County Council and Dover District Council. (I know that some of you read NL) The full and frankly shameful story is...
NL on flexible tenancies – free CPD too!
We don't usually do promotional stuff on the blog, but I thought we might make an exception in this case, because it involves free CPD and, well, me (and another from the NL team). I did a podcast for CPDCast on the introduction and operation of Flexible...
Mind the Step 1 – Semi gloss
What constitutes a defect or a lack of repair for the landlord to be liable for tenant's injury? This the first of a couple of cases involving liability under sections 2 Occupiers Liability Act 1957 and 4 of the Defective Premises Act 1972 and stairs, or...
No right of entry! (On vanished tenancies)
Well, there's an oddity. The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 Schedule 2 para 12(1) has repealed section 8(2) of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985. The relevant provision is: Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 12 (1) Omit section 8(2) of the Landlord and Tenant Act...
Follow the money…
Henson v Blackwood & Blackwood. Mayors & City of London Court 29 June 2012 & Central London County Court 25 July 2012 [We are grateful to Dean Underwood of Hardwicke Chambers for his notes on this case, from which quotes are taken and to GT...
Barnet’s brave new dawn
And, like a sudden, startling and slightly embarrassing squeak from a vinyl sofa, flexible tenancies are here! London Borough of Barnet have announced, in a manner which suggests absolutely no political motivation behind the decision at all, the 'end of the...
Refusing irrationally
May, R (on the application of) v Birmingham City Council [2012] EWHC 1399 (Admin) When can a Local Authority refuse to accept an application as homeless? This was a judicial review of Birmingham City Council's refusal to accept a homeless application by the...
Double plus ungood
The lovely, smiling Grant Shapps, Housing Minister, who clearly in no way whatsoever wants to distract attention from the recent kerfuffle over his alleged misleading of Parliament through dodgy use of statistics (hereafter Shapptistics), has announced the...
Judicial review of a closed minded appeal
Sharing, R (on the application of) v Preston County Court [2012] EWHC 515 (Admin) [Updated 20 June 2012 to make clear this was a permission to appeal decision, not an appeal hearing] This is by any measure an unusual case. It is a judicial review of the...
On the naughty step – Part 2: The cost of free
[Updated 12 June 2012] This is the second of a couple of naughty step posts on 'free legal information' on the UK internet. We were moving down through the hellish circles of 'free legal content', but as your reluctant Virgil, I must insist we jump a few...
On the naughty step – Part 1: Geeks bearing gifts
This is the first of a two part Naughty Step I have, I'm afraid, become annoyed lately. Or to be more accurate, annoyance is a fairly constant state for me, but I have become specifically annoyed about a particular something lately. And it is even,...
Not smelling of roses
Dobson & Ors v Thames Water Utilities Ltd (No 2) [2011] EWHC 3253 (TCC) This is very late as a post. My excuse is that the judgment runs to well over 200 pages, it is very complex and, frankly, other stuff happened. This has sat as a part finished draft...