The Government has just issued a consultation paper (available here) on extending the TSAs regulatory role to local housing authorities. Whilst the document is expressed to be a consultation, the tone of the document suggests that the Government is already...
Peverse incentive
We don't usually cover gypsy & traveller planning permission cases, since they tend to turn on their own facts, but Rafferty and another v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and another [2009] EWCA Civ 809 has one point of wider...
A very short note
The decision of the House of Lords in R (Purdy) v DPP [2009] UKHL 45 (the assisted suicide case) clearly has nothing to do with housing law but, as a general statement of law, para. 34 is very interesting. ... it is obvious that the interests of human rights...
What do you want me to do about it?
Noise abatement notices are governed by Part 3, Environmental Protection Act 1990 (as amended). They are not 'pure' housing law but they are frequently used in a housing context, particularly when dealing with noise-related complaints of anti-social...
Forfeiture and the LVT
By virtue of s.81 Housing Act 1996 and s.168 Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 a landlord may not seek to forfeit a residential long lease unless the breach (whether to pay rent, service charges, administration charges or other breach of covenant) has...
Arm's length discrimination (or not)
Odham's Walk Residents Management Ltd v Westminster City Council [2009] EWHC 1712 (Admin) is not a housing case per se, but is of interest. The applicant, a TMO, manages an estate of Westminster's housing stock as Westminster's agents under contract. The...
Victory – Bjorge Lillelien style
Every now and then, a case comes to my attention which makes me causes me unimaginable joy. Redstone Mortgages Plc v Welch, Jackson & Jackson (Birmingham County Court, June 22, 2009, HHJ Worster) is one of those cases. It's already attracted some media...
Like a blind man searching for a black hat in a dark room
Heffernan v LB Hackney [2009] EWCA Civ 655 is a timely reminder of the importance of having evidence to substantiate a claim for damages. Mr Heffernan was the freehold owner of 16 Penhurst Road, London, E9 ("the property"). The property was converted into...
Would you credit it?
Some of you might have seen in the news recently some rather confused reports that HHJ Halbert at Chester County Court was dealing with various attempts by people to write off debts owed under credit agreements, see, for example, this from the BBC or this...
Keep the noise down
R (McGarrett) v Kingston Crown Court (Divisional Court, 8.6.09) This case appeared as a note on Lawtel this morning and there is no transcript available yet. Mr McGarrett was a tenant of the local authority. He had a PPO on grounds of nuisance hanging over...
The times, they are a'changin
Yesterday, the Lands Tribunal - so beloved of those of us who practice in the field of leasehold property law - ceased to be. It has been replaced by the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) which, confusingly, is known as... the Lands Tribunal. There is currently...
"Something of a mess"
We first noted Defence Estates v L and another [2009] EWHC 1049 (Admin) a few weeks ago and now the transcript is available. The history L was married to an army officer. He was a violent alcoholic who abused both his wife and their daughters. In 1989 he...