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A post-Pinnock reading list

What does a potentially successful "proportionality" defence look like?  To put the question slightly differently, what are the contours of proportionality in the context of mandatory possession proceedings?  This is the question largely left open by Pinnock...

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Pathway plans and duties

In R(A) v Lambeth LBC [2010] EWHC 1652 (Admin) (Claim 1) and [2010] EWHC 2439 (Admin) (Claim 2), Kenneth Parker J considered first whether it was proper for a personal advisor to complete a ChIldren Act 1989 pathway plan, and, secondly, the degree of...

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Allocations: Overwriting the effective date

One of the key things that choice-based lettings is designed to achieve is openness and transparency in housing allocation (or lettings, if you prefer).  It does so mostly by using a relatively crude mechanism of determining priorities in and between...

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DWP Research: HB & LHA

The DWP has snuffled out (it seems like the best expression but apologies for it) three research reports on the impact of the local housing allowance.  Of course, these reports are largely out of date as a result of recent announcements about the LHA but...

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Allocations: A whiff of reform

And now for a housing-related post ... Anybody reading the Sunday Times will have seen Grant Schapps talking about an allocations Consultation Paper that CLG are preparing.  Apparently, this will propose giving local authorities the power to set up their own...

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HB and IS: Breaking the link

Readers will be aware that, once an assessment of income and capital has been made for income support (IS) purposes so that a claimant is entitled to IS, a housing benefit (HB) authority is generally bound by that decision so that HB should follow...

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Oh dear, oh dear …

Ashby v Kilduff [2010] EWHC 2034 (Ch) (available on Lawtel and through the Chief [those special powers again]) [edit: now on BAILII too) is about the proprietary consequences of the unhappy demise of the relationship between David Ashby, the former Tory MP,...

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Residing legally …

An interesting argument emerged before the Court of Appeal in Lekpo-Bozua v Hackney LBC (SoS for Communities and Local Government joined as interested party) [2010] EWCA Civ 909.  The issue arose around the difference between, on the one hand,  an...

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