Just a quick note to remind people that the second of Channel 4 Dispatches on ‘Landlords from hell” is on tonight at 8.30.
It is billed as:
Jon Snow and a team of undercover reporters find out what really happens to those desperate to find a home, now that the housing minister wants councils to work with private landlords.
I understand that Croydon Council feature in this programme, quite a lot. The press release is here.
Right on cue, Croydon are apparently proposing to relocate 300 homeless families in temporary housing to Hull. Â There will be more of this…
[If you missed it, the programme can be watched here]
…and how many empty homes are there in Croydon – 1500 according to a report last week!
you’d think it would be tough to let accommodation in hell.
not to mention hull.
rather more seriously, i have just read the press release and failed to collapse in amazement. still, i suppose unless you have been in these places or worked in the sector this may come as a surprise.