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The Housing Law Conference 2011


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The HLPA Housing Law Conference 2011
14 December 2011
The Royal College of Surgeons
35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
London WC2A 3PE


Registration here

This year has already thrown up a number of significant challenges for housing law practitioners and these only look set to increase. The HLPA Conference 2011 aims to take a practical approach to a number of these challenges, focusing in particular on funding housing cases, utilising new and developing areas of law and taking our practice into the future. Speakers will be offering practical guidance in dealing with cases and with important areas of practice including homelessness, unlawful eviction and the role of the recent Equality Act 2010. The HLPA Conference 2011 will arm practitioners with the necessary support and information to ensure that they can continue the essential area of housing law even in the face of adversity.

Particular highlights include keynote addresses from the following speakers:

Sir Stephen Sedley has recently retired from the Court of Appeal where he sat from 1999-2011 and is well known for the important role he has played in the development of human rights law in England and Wales, as well as his long practice in the areas of public law and judicial review. Sir Stephen has been involved, both as advocate and judge, in many significant cases and debates including the inquiry into the death of Blair Peach, the collection of DNA and the case of M v Home Office [1994] and has recently published Ashes and Sparks: Essays on Law and Justice, a collection of his essays from throughout his career.

Andrew Arden QC is head of Arden Chambers in London and author and editor of many essential housing law texts. Andrew Arden has been involved in many leading cases including the landmark human rights cases, Harrow LBC v Qazi, Kay v Lambeth LBC and YL v Birmingham CC and is considered to be at the forefront of the development of housing law.

Jan Luba QC, of Garden Court Chambers, will be rounding off the day by offering his perspective on the problems and challenges that housing lawyers will confront in 2012. Jan Luba has been involved in many landmark cases including London Borough of Hounslow v Powell [2011], Austin v Southwark LBC [2010] and Manchester CC v Moran and Birmingham CC v Ali & Ors [2009], and has written widely on housing issues.

The conference will also include seminars on:

Funding housing cases
Housing and the Equality Act 2010
Calculating and negotiating quantum in disrepair cases
Unlawful eviction
Homelessness reviews: Procedure and suitability challenges

The conference is aimed at all those involved in practising housing law, whether acting for tenants and occupiers of housing or local authorities and social or private landlords. It is relevant to solicitors, barristers, paralegals and advisers in the voluntary, public and private sectors, together with academics and policy workers in the housing and social welfare fields.

For registration and further details see here

The conference is an accredited course for both solicitors and barristers and is designed to offer information and training for all levels of practitioner.

Bar Council Accreditation: 6 hours
Law Society Accreditation: 6 hours

[Disclaimer – No payment taken for this. Promoting it on the basis that it is a good conference and I and many of the NL team will be there.]

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Giles Peaker is a solicitor and partner in the Housing and Public Law team at Anthony Gold Solicitors in South London. You can find him on Linkedin and on Bluesky. (No longer on Twitter). Known as NL round these parts.


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