For those who can’t get enough of “the brilliant Baroness“, there is (on the BBC iplayer) a quite excellent programme about the operation of the Supreme Court. Baroness Hale is interviewed at length and, once again, demonstrates her enormous (but thoroughly charming) intellect. There is a housing-law aspect to it; the BBC were clearly filming during Pinnock (or, perhaps, Frisby). How do I know this? See if you too can spot Andrew Arden QC and Jan Luba QC…
The Supreme Court on iplayer
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J is a barrister. He considers housing law to be the single greatest kind of law known to humankind and finds it very odd that so few people share this view.
Some of it was filmed at Frisby, back in November, so I understand.
I did try freeze-framing on Hope’s notes to see if there were any clues, until they said that it was a bankruptcy case he was writing up – intriguing shot of the report in Aweys in that one.
There is another Supreme Court programme on More4. It is here :
Not sure why they needed to do two (pretty identical) programmes for different publicly funded channels.
This one is, I think, rather better. The case of the mother whose son died of heat stroke in Iraq is breathtakingly moving.
Yes. I agree (I typed the above before watching it). However, I’d rather watch Lord Philips cycle to work than him swimming.