We are saddened to be told of the untimely death of Bob Lawrence. Some of us knew him, some of us knew of him, but hadn’t had the chance to meet him.
As many readers of NL will know, Bob Lawrence was a special adviser at the DCLG and a driving force behind its recent work on court desks, mortgage repossession, and homelessness. We had even heard, much to our gratified surprise, that he was a reader of NL. No doubt many will miss him, in whatever way they do housing work. Details of the fund being assembled (for CRISIS) to mark his memory are at: http://www.justgiving.com/boblawrence
[Edit – Inside Housing story here]
Good G*d. When did this happen?
@J: I don’t know. I received an email this evening with the details in the post.
Yes, Bob was a keen fan of Nearly Legal. He loved working in homelessness and cared passionately about vulnerable and disadvantaged people. He was an avid fan of caselaw and would spend many hours pouring over your site and other sites to keep abreast of activities in the courts. He will be sorely missed.
never knew him or even heard of him, but anyone who cares and works for homeless people is somebody who deserves to be praised and is worth missing.