Nearly Legal: Housing Law News and Comment

Circular allusions and problems with names.

Via Lawyer-2-be (whose name has apparently been lifted by The Lawyer for its student site, alas), I discovered the gloriously named blog Belle de Jure.

Apparently by an off-duty academic lawyer, it’s off to an entertaining start.

According to a recent post, we are to believe that the name was coined without reference to or knowledge of a certain well known blog to book writer of recent times, whom, in the circular nature of things, I mentioned way back when in the context of a discussion of anonymous blogging, a topic which is currently also troubling Belle de Jure.

Happy to though I am to believe that no reference to the London based courtesan/écrivain of negotiable virtue was intended, surely the Buñuel/Deneuve classic cannot have been overlooked?

Deneuve, of course, went on to be a model for Marianne, the spirit of the French Republic and thus the rule of Law over Royal despots. Judging by Belle de Jure’s link list, that may be a more acceptable allusion.

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