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Legal Walk 2015

So, we have another five years in which it seems unlikely that access to justice will be a priority. The London Legal Walk on 18 May 2015, raising funds for a range of not for profit access to justice organisations and projects is therefore more...

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Promises and lies

With the manifestos all now published, I thought it might be interesting to look at what is being said about housing by the three main parties. I might do the others later, if I have time. Conservatives The highlight of housing policy seems to be a...

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From ‘pillar to post’

In a judgment of undisguised anger, Cobb J described the conduct of LB Tower Hamlets and LB Havering as "shameful" in the way in which they treated AM and his family.  I haven't come across Cobb J before but his judgment in AM v Tower Hamlets LBC...

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