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What’s in an appeal?

James v Hertsmere Borough Council (2020) EWCA Civ 489 What can be addressed in a section 204 Housing Act 1996 appeal of a review decision? What is the scope of the jurisdiction? This second appeal provides answers, albeit in a rather phyrric way....

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Where to go?

If, in a judicial review application, you have been refused on an application for interim relief on the papers, where you you go to challenge that decision? Nolson, R (on the application of) v Stevenage Borough Council (2020) EWCA Civ 379 This...

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All housing possession claims suspended from 27 March – Coronavirus update.

(Update 27 March. For the details of the stay, see here on the new Practice Direction 51Z  ) Well now, this is big (and also finally, it would seem, some clarity). According to this MHCLG press release from this evening: From tomorrow (27 March...

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“highly misleading comments”

We have already commented here on the proposed protections in the Coronavirus Bill designed to implement the Government's promise that there would be a "Complete ban on evictions and additional protection for renters". There has been a fair amount...

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