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I have been reading Usefully Employed's blog pretty much since it started. It was always an interesting read on employment matters and broader topics. But I have to say that since March, with a redesign, some added features like an EAT decisions...

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And we're back

A lovely break, thanks, which was spent mostly next to, on, in or under the Mediterranean. Two things made me particularly joyful: getting in a dive; and discovering we were sipping cocktails in the footsteps of Terry Thomas, who is Nearly Legal's...

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Happy happy

I can't resist the third person, so.. Nearly Legal has an assistant solicitor post in a damn good housing department in a good firm now sorted out for post-qualification in October. No, I'm not telling you where, nor am I casting aside anonymity....

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Brief news

On applications for permission to appeal to the House of Lords: Omar v Birmingham City Council - Omar refused permission to appeal from this Court of Appeal judgment. Very disappointing given the ambiguity, to put it mildly, of the Court of Appeal...

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