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Now we are three

It seems like it was just yesterday it started, albeit with a very long and restless night in between, but Nearly Legal is now three years old, which in internet terms is late middle age to bus pass territory. But, if I wondered how the time was...

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New housing minister!

We now have a new housing minister, Margaret Beckett, having returned to the backbenches and her predecessor, Caroline Flint (she of the transparent brief about home ownership crisis), also resigned but with rather more to say about the treatment...

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Not interesting enough

McKenzie, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Waltham Forest [2009] EWHC 1097 (Admin) was a Judicial Review initially brought on grounds that the local authority refused to provide the claimant with temporary accommodation following her...

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Straws in the wind

Yesiloz v London Borough of Southwark [2009] EWCA Civ 415 was concerned with whether a Turkish asylum seeker was entitled to housing benefit. Ms Yesiloz arrived in the UK in the late 1990s and claimed asylum.  She moved into premises in Camden and...

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