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The track to the old Piggery

Thompson v Bee [2009] EWCA Civ 1212 illustrates a neat point of property law and inheritance that could come up in a variety of circumstances but in this concerns an easement. In Hamsterley stands Pear Tree House on the main village street. Round...

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Race to the High Court

Arden Chambers have announced (in one of their eflashes. No link yet) that the Supreme Court has given further reasons for the refusal of permission in the Weaver case. The full reasons, which are stated to replace those previously issued are:...

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Rumours of gatekeeping

News reaches us here at NL of a decision of the High Court (Birmingham District Registry) by the name of Mehari, Kelly and JI v Birmingham City Council (9 and 10 November 2009) given by Hickenbottom J. Details are sketchy and, as ever, we'd be...

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Activate the trommel!

Ethos Recycling Ltd v Barking & Dagenham Magistrates Court [2009] EWHC 2885 (Admin) This was an application for judicial review by Ethos Recycling of a District Judge's decision in the Barking and Dagenham Magistrates' Court given at Havering...

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