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Moving Home

We're changing servers over the next few days. Hopefully you won't see too much disruption, but there is always the chance things might go horribly wrong. So if the site vanishes, don't panic, it should be back in about 3 or 4 days. Email may be...

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Credit where it's due?

Walsh v Singh [2009] EWHC 32 is a fascinating case about constructive trust (CT) and proprietary estoppel (PE), or at least it could have been. First credit goes to HHJ Purle QC, sitting as a judge of the High Court, who has managed the seemingly...

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It's a confused world out there…

And for the new year, it seems an opportune moment to delve into the Nearly Legal search logs in a vaguely quixotic attempt to provide answers to some of the questions that brought people here. Alternatively, where this is not possible, we can...

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