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Trigger happy?

In Barber v Croydon LBC [2010] EWCA Civ 51, the Court of Appeal found Croydon's decision to pursue possession proceedings of a non-secure tenancy occupied by Mr Barber Wednesbury unreasonable, being by my estimation the third such successful use of...

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The end of the road

The Supreme Court has refused permission to appeal in Birmingham City Council v Qasim et al (our notes on the Court of Appeal and county court decisions are here and here, respectively). As our friends at the UKSC blog previously noted, it would be...

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How did this happen?

.... or something to that effect, is what I imagine HHJ Purle QC said when he got the papers in Pick (Trustee in bankruptcy of Sharon Sumpter) v Sharon Sumpter & George Sumpter, Chancery Division, 3.2.10 - Lawtel note only The claimant, as...

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Allocations: Scope of Medical Reports

R(Bauer-Czarmonski) v Ealing LBC [2010] EWHC 130 (Admin) is a kind of a classic post-Ahmad decision in that, rather than being a challenge to the CBL Locata scheme as a whole, it relates to the way in which Mr Bauer-Czarnomski's application was...

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Advice and assistance

R(Savage) v LB Hillingdon [2009] EWHC Admin 88 [not on Bailii yet, available on Lawtel]. Ms S applied to Hillingdon Council as homeless following a possession order on her private rented accommodation on grounds of rent areas. Hillingdon provided...

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