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Total confusion from Willesden

Chasewood Park Residents Ltd v Kim [2010] EWHC 579 (Ch) is a rent/service charges case that should serve as a useful object lesson: first for parties to remind them of the importance of precise pleading and the use of evidence; and second, I hope,...

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Family Feuds and Estoppel

Cook v Thomas & Thomas [2010] EWCA Civ 227 This case was well describd by the Court of Appeal as "a most unfortunate and regrettable dispute". The facts were as follows. C is the sole legal owner of a small ara of farmland with farmhouse in Wales...

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Estoppel and Laches in Looe

Lester v Woodgate [2010] EWCA Civ 199 is a wonderful example of a neighbour dispute getting out of hand (so out of hand, in fact, that indemnity costs were awarded against the Claimant, in the Truro County Court,  in "an exemplary use of the power...

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Birmingham v’s the boy racers

Birmingham City Council v Persons Unknown - 0BM70352 (noted by way of Arden Chambers Eflash) is a successful attempt by a local authority to distinguish the decision in Birmingham CC v Shafi [2008] EWCA Civ 1186; [2009] 1 WLR 1961; [2009] HLR 25...

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