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Overstepping the mark

Wandsworth LBC v Watson, Court of Appeal, Oct 12, 2010 - Lawtel note only This was an unopposed appeal by Wandsworth against a decision of a recorder on a s.204 appeal. Ms Watson applied to Wandsworth for assistance under Part 7, Housing Act 1996....

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Law Soc JR: Some details

I have some details of the Law Society v Legal Services Commission judicial review judgment. Can't reveal my source but they were close to the action. [edited 01/10/2010 - some corrections] The JR was won on the issue of the significance given to...

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Set-aside or Appeal?

Islington LBC v Cecil and Grace Markland, Clerkenwell and Shoreditch County Court, 17/07/2010 The issue of whether a first hearing in a possession claim could be properly considered to be a trial came up in Forcelux Ltd v Binnie [2009] EWCA Civ 854...

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Quango culling

The BBC has a leaked list of quangos that - potentially - the government is planning/considering to abolish. Of interest to housing lawyers: (a) the Audit Commission (abolish and transfer); (b) National Tenant Voice (abolished - not sure about...

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