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To begin by looking backwards, the numbers for Nearly Legal in 2010 were: Posts: 281 (a post every 1.3 days on average) Average page views per day*: 613 Busiest day for page views: 1,737 (3 November) Average page views per month*: 19,995 Highest...

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And so, farewell…

The MoJ has published the list of county courts that will be closed in England and Wales. The BBC has the full list here (it includes county courts and magistrates' courts). The government claims that 85% of people will still be within 1 hr (by...

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Unwanted Gifts

Keeping the seasonal theme, we are having a bit of a problem with unwanted gifts, specifically automated spam comments. For the last few days - and ongoing - there has been a particularly heavy flood of them. We usually get about 200 a day, but...

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Tis the season for giving (2)

As you all know, we six merry souls write NL because, well, we love housing / landlord and tenant law. Our fearless leader has even been described as a "nut"* for the subject. We're glad that we can produce something that people find useful but,...

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