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This land is our land

Manifesto series (in order of publication) Conservative Lib Dem Green Labour Greens I want to like the Greens. I really do. But I can’t shake the concern that they are fundamentally opposed to development on the scale needed to address our national problems...

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The Land Song*

Manifesto series (in order of publication) Conservative Lib Dem Green Labour Lib Dems What do the Liberal Democrats offer us? At a purely personal level, I’ve been quite impressed with the Liberal Democrats over the past few years. Daisy Cooper has been very...

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I wanna be elected: Conservative edition

Manifesto series (in order of publication) Conservative Lib Dem Green Labour Conservatives It's fashionable to treat elections with a weary, nay affected, cynicism and a refrain of “they’re all as bad as each other”. That, frankly, is nonsense. And no-where...

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Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5*

It takes a special kind of person who, faced with the multifaceted horrors of our disfunctional housing system, decides that what is really needed is to make it harder for some people to access social housing and to create new grounds or possession.** Yet...

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Something to look forward to

The Queen's Speech was delivered earlier today. As is usually the way, the speech itself didn't have much to say about anything. What matters - and what contains the details - is the Briefing Pack produced after each speech. It's available here. It looks...

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The forthcoming Ukranian housing scheme

The media are today (Sunday 13.3.22) reporting that the government are going to launch an extra-statutory scheme on Monday whereby people will be able to offer accommodation to Ukranians fleeing the invasion. Details are sketchy, but the main points seem to...

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Settled by Settlers

FirstPort Property Services Ltd v Settlers Court RTM Co Ltd [2022] UKSC 1 is a big deal in the world of residential leasehold property disputes. Whilst I can't say that the result is particuarly surprising, I imagine it has sent lawyers, RTM company...

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Review or repetition?

There is always a danger in reading too much into a Westlaw note of judgment and, as we all know, context is everything, but even allowing for that, the decision in R (Bereket) v Waltham Forest LBC QBD, 4 November 2021 (Westlaw note only) looks like a very...

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