Nearly Legal: Housing Law News and Comment

Road rage.

I was at Court the other day, waiting (and waiting and waiting) for a directions hearing. (always beg to be listed or at least called before the family cases).

It was a possession day, so the place was crowded. In strutted/waddled two men, one older, with fresh scabbing on the long scars on his face, one younger, a 6 foot testimony to lager and fast food. They had clearly been through this before, as they found their usher straight away, but were unrepresented.

Mr Carbohydrate then stood by a window. It was a very hot day, but no, he was keeping an eye on his car. About 30 mins later, with a shout of “bastard’s writing a ticket” he hurtled outside, surprisingly rapidly.

His return was dramatic. “Fuckin’ bastard, arse, I’ll fuckin’ have ‘im. I’ll twat the bastard”. His mate then left with him.

Their case was called, and went.

Half an hour later, they were back, with three police. Three more police waited with a van outside. A quick chat between police and usher and away they all went.

I had to ask. Innocently wandering past the usher, I nodded at the exit and asked “possession hearing?”. “Anti-social behaviour, outright possession”.

Ticket/Home. Difficult choice.

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