Nearly Legal: Housing Law News and Comment


In case you needed reminding (and don’t worry, there will be another reminder), the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 comes into force for new tenancies this coming Wednesday, 20 March. Our thumbnail guide is here and some thoughts on ‘fitness’ in relation to Section 1 Defective Premises Act 1972 cases here. And MHCLG have published their guides.

But obviously, everyone will be in need of a more detailed legal and practical guide to the new landscape for housing conditions. So how fortunate it is that Legal Action Group will be publishing “Housing Conditions: tenants’ rights” in April, in a thoroughly revised edition to include the H(FFHH)A. It is available for pre-order now.

Yes, I am one of the authors. And yes, this is promoting things, which we don’t do on the blog, but this is one of those ‘my site, my rules’ moments, and I’ll live with the hypocrisy… Also, it is really rather good, despite my bits.

(I am in the middle of proof-reading, so this is also a means of making sure I get it done by piling on the guilt and responsibility.)

In other potentially forthcoming things, the landscape on security of tenure for private sector tenancies looks increasingly interesting. First Labour announced that it was committed to introducing indefinite tenancies – the abolition of section 21, in effect.

Then, somewhat surprisingly, the Centre for Social Justice published a report on improving security in the private sector. Yes, that Centre for Social Justice, the one set up by Ian Duncan Smith, the incubators of Universal Credit, and not noted for their left wing leanings. This report (albeit slightly contradictorily) recommended a four year minimum term and the ending of ‘no fault’ possession – the abolition of section 21.

The Government’s response to the MHCLG consultation on private sector security of tenure is awaited. But these two announcements coming within the same week strongly suggest that the once unthinkable – the abolition of section 21 – is now a live policy issue, and not just for Labour.

Devil will be in the detail, as ever, but interesting times….

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