Nearly Legal: Housing Law News and Comment

Request for info

Garden Court’s bulletin of 27 April includes a case note, Thornhill v Sita Metal Recycling Cambridge Ltd [2009] All ER (D) 162, on nuisance, possession of and interest in land. The upshot being that the nature of a claimant’s legal interest in land is by the by for a claim in nuisance, assuming that they are in possession of the land. Granted this is strongly suggested in Hunter v Canary Wharf, but unusual to see a judgment specifically on the topic.

It isn’t on Bailii or indeed Lawtel yet. I’d very much like to do a note on it (and it could also be very useful for me right now as well).

Does anyone have a transcript or copy judgment that they can send me? I’d be very grateful.

[Edit – I now have several copies of the note. Thanks to all. Apparently the full judgment isn’t out yet.]

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