It is about time for a break – 13 detailed posts in the last two weeks, coupled with a frantic time at work, has left me lacking oomph, as devoid of oomph as an omphless thing on a bad day. So there will be nothing more here until after the holiday weekend.
Meanwhile, James Stark of Garden Court North has put up a briefing note on the rejection of Payne v Cooper in Porter v Shepherds Bush (he is not happy). Hat tip to Tony Fearnley.
And if you are in search of further housing goodness, a new blog has just started up. Housed is by the person who has been commenting here as ‘housinganger’, a CLS housing caseworker at a CAB. Housed is still unpacking the box marked ‘kitchen’ in search of the kettle, but should be good. I am delighted to be able to welcome another housing blog to the UK law blog scene
At this rate of increase, by the end of 2009, the world will be ours (laughs maniacally). Assuming, that is, that William Flack manages to get his blog working again and finds the time to post something…(hint hint).