Nearly Legal: Housing Law News and Comment

To end the year – a meme

Thanks to Lex Scholasticus at Reductio ad Absurdum, I have been tagged with another blog meme thing. In a surprising bout of pre-new year generosity, I will both respond and entirely fail to tag anyone else.

I am called upon to list 8 things I want to happen in 2008. Only 8? I’ll try to keep them vaguely legally related, apart from the first, which is of pressing personal need, and the last, which is too much to hope for.

1. Cure the damn common cold. OK, I understand the nature of fast mutating viruses and why this is difficult. So couldn’t someone just come up with a symptom suppressor that actually worked?

2. Obviously, I want to qualify and get a post, preferably with a decent legal aid firm. Which leads on to…

3. The LSC and the MoJ finally get a clue and come up with workable proposals for legal aid reform.

4. The government actually pays attention to the Law Commission’s proposals on reforming housing law.

5. The great wig issue. Everybody wears them, nobody wears them, some people wear them, but not the judges, except for some judges who do. I’m past caring. Settle the horsehair one way or another – either gently on the the head or back in the tin.

6.  Somebody fixes the Administrative Court. When the judges are reaching for Magna Carta to express their frustration, there is a teeny problem. In fact, the County Courts could do with some help too.

7.  David Cameron shuts up about repealing the Human Rights Act. In fact David Cameron shuts up.

8.  As well as the usual: world peace, a sudden outbreak of tolerance and understanding, that sort of thing, I rather want a new Macbook and/or iMac, thanks.

Happy new year to all. Now where is that Lemsip…

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