Nearly Legal: Housing Law News and Comment

Now we are One.

Looking back in the archive for an old post, I realise to my astonishment that this blog is one year old. Granted, the years do whip past more rapidly as there are fewer of them left, but blimey, where did that one go?

One answer to where that one went is 165 posts. That’s more than one every three days, not including holidays. I begin to see what Charon QC meant when he described Nearly Legal as ‘a prolific blogger’. I really must get out more.

But it has been quite a year, both personally and for UK legal blogs.

The events of Nearly Legal’s year are all there in the archive. One of the benefits of a backup digital memory being no need to reminisce at length, I’ll say no more about it.

This blog seems to have started up at what was apparently the tipping point for a lot of people, as pretty large numbers of legal blogs began appearing soon afterwards. A lot of student blawgs, yes, but also some barristers, some fewer solicitors and a very few firms, the PJH and  Impact blogs most notably. Of course, I claim the credit for all this. Apres moi, la deluge.

The success of Lawblog 2007, despite my absence, is an indicator that, although still pretty far from mainstream, this is a rapidly developing and expanding field. Whether the happy communality of the present will continue into an expanded and no doubt specialised future is, of course, doubtful. But I hope it does.

And for the next year of Nearly Legal? That is far too forward thinking. For the time being, I’ll stagger on and see what happens. Much like the legal system at present.

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