Nearly Legal: Housing Law News and Comment

What he said

Corporate Law appears to be having a bit of a crise. I feel for him. As far as I can tell, Corporate doesn’t think his blog has been getting the attention/traffic that it should. If that is the case, then I’d agree. There are very few sites in this world that do detailed and complex corporate law together with rainbow coloured text, artistically blurred photos and ‘comedy links’; so the quality of the sole exemplar of this genre shouldn’t be overlooked.

But Corporate Law is not alone. It may be the onset of spring, it may be the early stages of a mid-life crisis (again), but I’m also having a ‘what is the point’ moment about this blog.

Although I grant that I occasionally fall under Corporate’s stereotype 2 (‘the overly creative solicitor blawg’), Nearly Legal isn’t a gossip blawg, roman a clef or Bildungsroman, which are the modes of the moment, (it might have been a Bildungsroman, but the crucial element of development in changing circumstances is sadly a bit lacking). Neither is it particularly a personal vehicle for whimsy, bile or vituperation, although those may crop up.

There is some serious law on here, but only in part. It isn’t an exercise in self- marketing, because I am both anonymous, apparently untrainable and not writing a novel (at least, not based on this blog). Thankfully, the blog isn’t a diary, but it does get a bit self-reflective at times (like this) when blawging is the subject matter.

I’m not sure how long it can carry on in its present, somewhat scattershot, form. That it is also an unfashionable form is merely the flake in the 99. Corporate appears to have reached some conclusions on where he is headed. Hopefully, I’ll reach some soon.

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