Nearly Legal: Housing Law News and Comment

Obvious filler 3

I’m having a think about a post on housing law and human rights, but I am busy, tired and having to stand up on the train.

In a week that brought us exposed judges, the inadvertent end of solitary confinement as the jails fill up, John Reid begging for non-custodial sentences and senior judges objecting to reforms of rape trials, naturally I am reverting to part several of the lazy (busy, tired) blogger’s standby, questions that brought people here, woven into a zeitgeist by Nearly Legal.

First, I am of course proud to have a blog that brings in searchers for

copyright problem of originality in photographs

as well as

it is unlikely that proprietary estoppel will assist where constructive trust has failed

Unfortunately, my polymathic abilities sometimes fail, usually in the face of the Beckettian bleakness of our current existence. For instance,

busted spit up

can only be a cry of despair at the mind trapped in a body prone to all forms of eructation. And then the black humour of the hope that things might, one day, be better…

how much are solicitors paid in stoke on trent?

Whilst on job applications, we have the honest if not enthusiastic

dead-end jobs sociopath

But, as with Sam Beckett, the questions are what can we say?

what can a paralegal say to a witness

Does it mean anything?

cold case schadenfreude torrent

and can we stop saying anything meaningful at all

how to say yes in legalese.

But of course, we still speak, still hope in spite of ourselves, still believe that there is more to us…

legal aid for middle class families

Hey, it’s a means test. As long as you are skint, you can still pretend to be a church goer to get your kids into a ‘good school’ and get legal aid. You can even speak RP. Of course, the kind of case you can get legal aid for is very limited…

And lastly, topical and vaguely on theme, is it just me who finds a very Beckettian (Sam not Thomas a) joke in finding out that Catholic adoption agencies would rather close than entertain gay couples as ‘a matter of conscience’, but will happily consider atheists?

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