Nearly Legal: Housing Law News and Comment

Notes from the sofa

I’m slightly late to noting this (in my defence, there have been other things going on), but there is a new Claim form N5B for accelerated possession proceedings, which was released on 6 April 2020. It contains substantial revisions to the questions to be answered to bring it more up to date with the various restrictions on section 21, including the Tenant Fees Act 2019.

Meanwhile, the Court of Appeal will hear Arkin v Marshall tomorrow (30 April, so today if you are reading the email update) on the challenge to the vires and effect of DP 51Z – the stay on possession proceedings. The Housing Law Practitioners Association was granted permission to intervene with written submissions, which was amazing work with only 7 days to gather evidence, apply and get permission. I would imagine that there will be quite a quick turnaround on the judgment, in the circumstances.

The Housing Conditions Claims in Practice webinar that was announced yesterday (post on Monday) was completely subscribed this morning, I’m afraid. In fact quite possibly over subscribed. Blimey, you must all be truly bored in lockdown. What I didn’t know yesterday is that, as with airlines (remember them?), the practice is to overbook on the basis that not everyone will turn up. I’ve asked for the number of places to be increased to try to avoid anyone not being able to get access to the webinar at the live time, but if you’ve registered but can’t get on (and indeed for anyone else) there will be a video of it available afterwards, equally free.






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