Nearly Legal: Housing Law News and Comment

Downloadable archives

Having previously suggested the possibility of Ebook versions of our archives, I have been technologically frustrated in bringing this about (in the sense that it is probably do-able but would take up a large amount of my time and an investment in software even beyond the bits I have already paid for in a spirit of inquiry, so frankly isn’t happening).

However, doing downloadable PDFs of the archives only required a significant investment in time and largely open source software. So, I have starting doing just that. The downloads are here (and on the main menu).

So far I have only done the Homeless related posts, but more topics should follow shortly. I’m intending to do Possession, Deposits and Leasehold as archive categories in the near future.

The PDFs are largely unedited, and there is no table of contents. But they are searchable and I have taken out most, if not all, posts that aren’t related to statute or case law.

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