Nearly Legal: Housing Law News and Comment

Legal Advice in Lewisham?

We have been asked to circulate the following. Given the difficulty people face in accessing housing advice and representation in this area, we are very happy to do so.

This is for anyone who lives or works in the borough of Lewisham.

You will know that the Law Centre closed down some time ago. There is presently substantial unmet need for free legal services in the borough. I’m presently volunteering at a once a month informal advice clinic with some follow up work, mostly referrals to organisations who might be able to provide advice and assistance, especially in areas of law other than housing. My experience from this clinic clearly underlines the vast unmet need in the borough.

So I’d like to investigate the viability of establishing another Law Centre or other charitable legal advice and representation organisation. The starting point would be a steering group established to get things moving. This is a call for anyone interested to contact me with a view to establishing a steering committee.

If you’re interested, please email me on

Thanks for reading this and best wishes,

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