Nearly Legal: Housing Law News and Comment

Aidez-nous! (well, if you fancy it)

I'd rather sink than call Brad for help

Roy Lichenstein. Image from MoMA

[Update 4 Dec 2011: We have had a lot of responses – thank you all. We should have some new writers joining us over the next few days, which will hopefully resolve the immediate pressures.]

As regular readers may have noticed, the pace of updates has recently slowed somewhat, with occasional spurts at weekends. There is a good reason for this. All six of us involved in NL are very, very busy with work and other responsibilities. The trouble (if trouble is the right word) is that we are also all likely to remain so for the foreseeable future.

We are all very conscious that the blog has been suffering somewhat as a result. We do get to everything, but rather more ‘eventually’ than we would like. And there are times, like now, when we are staring at a substantial backlog.

So we are looking to expand the team and calling for volunteers. Solicitors, barristers, trainees and pupils welcome, though obviously preferably with a housing specialist interest. We’re certainly not demanding selfless dedication, but it would mean a degree of commitment – to be willing to do case reports or legislation updates as and when.

People could write under their own name or a pseudonym, entirely at their own choice, but we do draw a line at flagrant self-promotion.

Anyone interested, or who would like a chat about what might be involved, is very welcome to contact me at

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